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What Helps Clear Up Brain Fog: Causes, Symptoms & Remedy

Brain fog is an extremely common issue in today’s society due to our overly fast-paced lifestyles and lack of healthy living in all areas. It is a state of mental fatigue whereby a person will generally lose focus and become irritable more often than usual. Luckily for you though, brain fog is widely considered to be easily reversible providing the right course of action is taken. This blog will answer what helps clear up brain fog.

The Causes of brain fog

High stress levels

Having high stress levels can play havoc with your hormones. Having chronically high stress over a long period of time can lead to extremely high cortisol, low dopamine and the testosterone levels of a 700 year old corpse. Your hormones are so susceptible to stress and therefore it is paramount that you get this under control.


Inflammation can be caused by a lot of things but the main culprits are stress and your diet. The main dietary cause of inflammation is the ingestion of processed foods – something that is common place in this day and age. Most foods in the modern age will cause some degree of inflammation but there are steps you can take to limit this.

Lack of sleep

Another big offender here, lack of sleep can be attributed to all manner of problems but brain fog is definitely one of its bigger targets. Lacking sleep can have a knock-on effect on your stress levels AND inflammation, making this the most important factor to dial in during your fight against the fog.

The SYMPTOMS of brain fog

Some of the most common symptoms to look out for when trying to diagnose brain fog include:



Low energy

Trouble focusing

Lack of motivation

There are many other answers to what does brain fog feel like - ultimately, brain fog will be unique to you, so make sure to speak to your doctor if you feel you are being impacted by the symptoms of brain fog.


You are probably going to be thinking "how to get rid of brain fog" and the ways you can reverse the effects of brain fog - below I have added three things you can do to get rid of the symptoms. These have not been medically reviewed, so be sure to speak to your doctor to discuss your brain health, mental health and medical condition if needed.


As mentioned before, stressing will only fog your brain out faster. In order to clear your mind you will have to put a lot of your efforts into tackling stress. This could involve practising meditation each night before you go to sleep, working out a few times a week, keeping a diary or even supplementing with adaptogenic herbs such as ashwaghanda. Adding these steps into your daily routine can drastically reduce stress and help you feel clear headed in no time.

Don’t limit macronutrients

Low-quality fats from processed foods can cause brain fog, but low fat intake can cause brain fog. High levels of processed and refined carbs can cause brain fog but low carb intake can cause brain fog. See what I’m saying here? Don’t demonise a macronutrient because some schmuck told you it’s the devil.

Keep a healthy serving of healthy fats in your diet from things like olive oil, salmon, quality beef, organic butter and coconut oil. Add to that some healthy carbs from foods such as sweet potatoes, bananas, berries and green veg along with a moderate serving of protein from animal meats and lentils. Keep your macronutrient split around 40% Carb/ 40% Fat/ 20% Protein and you’ll be just fine.

Remember, that without macronutrients, your immune system will not function optimally and you could develop chronic fatigue syndrome.

Sleep long, sleep deep

The most important factor to get in check – improving your sleep should not be taken lightly as it can improve brain function and increase red blood cells. The most potent actions for attaining a deeper and longer sleep are to switch off all electronic devices an hour before bed (failing this, buy some blue-light blocking glasses), get a nighttime routine and to make sure your room is cold.

You would be surprised how many people are impacted by sleep deprivation - you need to make sure you're getting enough hours of sleep as otherwise, you can develop poor concentration and disrupt your mental clarity.

These three tips have been shown to skyrocket your sleep quality in just one night, meaning you get instant benefits.

There’s your definitive guide to brain fog and how you combat the symptoms. If you can address these basic areas then you will notice a huge difference in your mental ‘sharpness’ and feel much more energised in no time.

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